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Basic Concepts of Geometry


Standard 9 th Online MCQ Test

Here you can give the online MCQ Test on
Chapter No. 1) Basic Concepts of Geometry of Geometry.

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Q1. If seg AB is of length 6.2 cm and P is it's mid point such that A-P-B, then AP=?

A) 3.2 cm
B) 6.1 cm
C) 3.1 cm
D) 2.1 cm

Q2. Two lines intersects in ....... points.

A) only two
B) three
C) infinite
D) only one

Q3. Find d(P,Q), if the co-ordinates of P and Q are -3 and 7 respectively.

A) 10
B) -10
C) 4
D) 3

Q4. If point A have co-ordinate - 9 and B have co-ordinate - 1, then d(A,B)=?

A) 7
B) 11
C) 10
D) 8

Q5. If A-B-C, and d(A,C) = 17, d(B,C) = 6.5, then d(A,B)=?

B) 8.5
C) 7.3
D) 6.5

Q6. "If all sides of a triangle are congruent, then its all angles are congruent" In this statement antecedent is

A) All sides of a triangle are congruent.
B) All angles are congruent.
C) Triangles angles are not congruent.
D) None of the above.

Q7. The properties which are proved logically are called as ........

A) proofs
B) theorems
C)conditional statement
D) postulates

Q8. How many lines can pass through two distinct points?

A) infinitely many
B) two
C) one and only one
D) either one or two

Q9. Angles in linear pair are always .......?

A) congruent
B) acute
C) complementary
D) supplementary

Q10. If two points are not distinct then distance between them is .....

A) zero.
B) grater than zero.
C) less than 1.
D) negative.